Lacquered Doors – TERAMO PESARO

Door Style - Teramo Pesaro

Name a more iconic duo: high gloss doors paired with glass. The Pesaro and Teramo are that duo. These doors are made from high-quality MDF, come in a range of colors, and are finished with glass for a sleek touch. Choose from two handle styles: the Pesaro features a rounded integrated handle for a soft look, while the Teramo offers a linear handle for a sharper aesthetic. 

Product Details

Material: Lacquered MDF board
Thickness: 5/8″+5/32″ (16mm + 4mm)
Glass options: Lacobel GlassMatelac Glass

  • High gloss
  • Matte
  • Super matte
  • Soft touch


Over 150 different color options for endless design possibilities.

Color Charts:
Options: RAL/ICA/NCS/Benjamin Moore/Sherwin Williams